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Responsibilities of the Counsel General Designate


  • Provision of legal advice to the Government
  • Oversight of the work of the Legal Services Department and Office of the Legislative Counsel
  • Oversight of prosecutions on behalf of the Welsh Government
  • Oversight of representation of the Welsh Government in the courts
  • Consideration of whether Bills passed by the Senedd need to be referred to the Supreme Court for determination as to whether they are within the Senedd’s competence (exercised independently of Government)
  • Performance of other functions in the public interest including, where the Counsel General considers is appropriate, institute, defend or appear in any legal proceedings relating to functions of the Welsh Government (exercised independently of government)
  • Liaison with the Legal Sector and Law Council for Wales
  • Accessibility of Welsh law

NB As the Counsel General Designate is not a Welsh Minister appointed under s48 GOWA the Counsel General Designate cannot exercise powers conferred on the Welsh Ministers. Any matter requiring a formal decision of the Welsh Ministers under a statutory power will be exercised by the First Minister or a nominated portfolio Minister.

Writing to Elisabeth Velina Jones