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The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has announced resumption of the Key Stage 4 (KS4) qualifications data reporting arrangements last published in 2019. This will be a temporary arrangement whilst we reflect on the findings presented in the Developing a new data and information ecosystem that supports the reformed school system in Wales report. We will then move towards a more holistic system that promotes learning and puts learners, teachers and parents at the centre.

Estyn’s response to the Minister’s statement is available on the Estyn website.

What are the key points?

  • Following a three-year period of suspension due to COVID-19, Key Stage 4 qualifications data reporting arrangements will resume for the 2022 to 2023 academic year in the form of the interim measures that were introduced and last published in 2019.
  • The measures will provide schools with a familiar set of validated and robust qualifications outcome data which, alongside the wider range of learner and school information they already hold will help inform their self-evaluation and improvement decisions, in line with our School Improvement Guidance.
  • This information is not to be used in isolation to judge or compare schools and should not be used to drive decisions that are not in the best interest of learners. Furthermore, due to the different assessment arrangements and grading that has taken place due to the pandemic, care should be taken in making any comparisons across years.
  • The measures will exist for an interim period whilst work continues on the development of a more holistic information ecosystem that promotes learning and puts learners, teachers and parents at the centre.
  • From 2022 to 2023, Key Stage 4 qualifications outcomes data will be reported at a National, Local Authority and School level. Key Stage 4 qualifications outcomes data at a school level will be made available on MyLocalSchool and at a national and local level on StatsWales.
  • 'The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020' and 'The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021', that came into force on 7 August 2020 and 18 June 2021 respectively, do not apply in relation to 2022 to 2023 onwards.