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1. Social distancing

Chart showing how mobility has changed from the baseline using the average of the Welsh local authorities. Mobility reduced significantly at the end of March, but steadily increased until the summer. Mobility fell towards the end of September and has fallen sharply since the firebreak.

Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports

Mobility reduced significantly at the end of March, but steadily increased until the summer. Mobility fell towards the end of September coinciding with local lockdowns across Wales, and has fallen sharply since the introduction of the firebreak.

Data as at 6 November 2020.

2. Discretionary Assistance Fund

Between 18 March and 5 November 102,068 COVID-19 related Emergency Assistance Payments, with a total paid value of £6,579,060.

Recording started on 18 March. COVID-19 related reasons applicants are presenting include:

  • having to stop or reduce work
  • delay to benefit claim
  • increased energy/food costs (family at home)
This chart shows the weekly number of emergency Discretionary Assistrance Fund payments from March to present, broken down into normal and COVID-19 related payments.

Weekly number of Emergency Assistance Payments (MS Excel)

Following the 1 May announcement of increased funding, applications will be treated with greater discretion and flexibility, when dealing with COVID-19 hardship claims. Further background to the Discretionary Assistance Fund.

Data as at 6 November 2020.

3. Support for business

As of 10 November 2020 the third phase of the Economic Resilience Fund has awarded 14.5k grants totalling £43.7 million. This includes Business Development Grants and the Lockdown Business Fund.

Source: Welsh Government

Data as at 10 November 2020.

4. Third Sector Resilience Fund

Provides direct financial support for third sector organisations which need help to get through this crisis and by paying their bills and easing cash flow.

111 applications have been approved, and nearly £4.63 million paid through the third sector resilience fund.

Source: Volunteering Wales

Data as at 9 November 2020.

5. Contact details

Statistician: Andrew O’Rourke
Telephone: 0300 025 9578

Media: 0300 025 8099

SFR 204/2020