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Childcare and school

Advice to help you with childcare and your child starting school.

Practical tips and expert advice

Supporting advice

Cymraeg for KidsBegin the bilingual journey

Childcare offer for 3 and 4 year olds

Curriculum for Wales Nursery education for 3 and 4 year olds: A guide for parents and carers 

How and when to register your child for school

Education is changing

Wide Open SchoolFree learning activities for children learning from home
Cardiff Family Advice and Support

How to support your child returning to childcare and nursery

How to support your child returning to school

Trama Informed Schools UKHow you can prepare your child for their first day back at school
Autism WalesHelping a child with autism
Aneurin Bevan HB Psychology Team

Talking to your child

For Parents – practical tips 


Distance learning tools through Hwb

Keep Wales learning

A new curriculum in Wales: a guide for parents

Education is changing: information for parents and carers

FacebookEducation begins at home
Money HeroesParent Resources
Money HelperHow to talk to your children about money
Mudiad Meithrin

Searching for childcare or playgroups

Cymraeg for Kids

Care Inspectorate Wales Find a care service
Action For Children

How do I prepare for my child starting school?

My child is anxious about school transitions or changes

Getting ready for a new school term 

How can I help my child with separation anxiety?

Family Lives

Starting primary school

School readiness


Preparing for school

Starting school

Anna FreudSeparation anxiety

Starting Childcare in 2023: How to prepare your child 

Seven tips for parents and careers to help prepare children when starting primary school 

School anxiety and refusal: How parents can help their child get through tough times

Starting primary school

YoungMinds School Anxiety and Refusal