The effect of the Order will be to introduce 30 mph, 20 mph and part-time 20 mph speed limits on the lengths of the trunk roads specified in the schedules to this notice

The A40, A48, A483, A477, A487 and A4076 trunk roads (Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire) (30 mph, 20 mph and part-time 20 mph speed limits) Order 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 225 KB

The A40, A48, A483, A477, A487 and A4076 trunk roads (Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire) (30 mph, 20 mph and part-time 20 mph speed limits) Order 2023 public-notice , file type: PDF, file size: 210 KB
Plans: 1 , file type: ZIP, file size: 6 MB
Plans: 2 , file type: ZIP, file size: 13 MB
Revoked orders: 1 , file type: ZIP, file size: 6 MB
Revoked orders: 2 , file type: ZIP, file size: 29 MB
Legislation to lower the default national speed limit on restricted roads from 30 mph to 20 mph was made by the Welsh Ministers on the 13 July 2022.
The new default 20 mph speed limit on restricted roads (which are characterised by a system of street lighting or otherwise restricted by Order) will come into force on 17 September 2023.
From that date any restricted road will have a speed limit of 20 mph unless a different speed limit is set by the highway authority The A40, A48, A483, A477, A487 and A4076 trunk roads (Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire) (30 mph, 20 mph and part-time 20 mph speed limits) Order 2023’by Order.