We have improved the traffic flow, road safety and active travel at Pontypool roundabout.
Status: Completed
Region/county: south-east Wales
Start date: early 2021
End date: spring 2021
Cost: Approximately £700k
Why we did it
This junction experiences congestion during peak periods.
The Pontypool roundabout connects the A472 to the wider trunk road network in South East Wales. The junction experiences significant congestion during peak periods.
Welsh Government, the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) and Torfaen County Borough Council have been working together to see what can be done.
There are limited pedestrian provisions at the A4042 / A472 roundabout such as pedestrian crossings and cycle routes Pedestrian access was to use a grass verge and cross the A4042 to the north of the roundabout during gaps in traffic which was dangerous.
Construction works were completed in spring 2021.
What have we done
Improved road markings, creating better lane discipline and encourage the use of both lanes to reduce queuing.
Built a new footway and pedestrian crossing over the A4042 between the Lower Mill and ‘services’ arms of the roundabout.
A precautionary method of working was taken to minimise impact on hazel dormice, badgers, otter, common species of reptile and Japanese knotweed.
Vegetation clearance was undertaken in the woodland area outside of core bird nesting season (1 March to 31 August)
Avoided biodiversity areas and replanted wildflower species
Monitoring continues after the works to ensure the environment is working.
How we consulted
We consulted key stakeholders and local businesses at each stage of the Welsh Government Transport appraisal process (WelTAG) process.
Alun Griffiths informed local businesses of any road closures to minimise disruption.
Have the improvements worked?
After construction was completed, we have used traffic surveys and local survey to gather the below information.
Due to the timeframe between a collision occurring, and the collision data being officially released by the Police Authority it’s not possible to measure the effectiveness the scheme has had on collision reduction yet. However, our operational agent, SWTRA, have been consulted with and they have not reported any incidents since the scheme was implemented. This provides an early indication that collisions have reduced since scheme completion.
Surveys indicate that pedestrians are generally compliant when using the new pedestrian crossing. Pedestrian numbers in the area have increased significantly since before the scheme.

Image1: A4042 Northbound approaching the new pedestrian crossing.

Image 2: A4042 Southbound approaching the new pedestrian crossing.

Image 3: View of pedestrian crossing