The draft Order proposes to introduce 20 mph and 30 mph speed limits on lengths of various trunk roads in North West Wales specified in the Schedules to the Order.

The A470, A487, A494, A458, A5 and A55 trunk roads (north west Wales) (20mph and 30mph speed limits) Order 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 117 KB
117 KB
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The A470, A487, A494, A458, A5 and A55 trunk roads (north west Wales) (20mph and 30mph speed limits) Order 2023: public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 161 KB
161 KB
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North West Wales: plans , file type: ZIP, file size: 10 MB
10 MB
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North West Wales: orders being revoked or varied , file type: ZIP, file size: 14 MB
14 MB
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