The effect of the Order is to prohibit any vehicle proceeding on the northbound carriageway to make a right hand turn to access, at either end, the lay-by and restrict any vehicle from waiting for a period longer than 2 hours at any time with no return within 1 hour on the lay-by

The A483 trunk road (southbound carriageway lay-by on the southern approach to Pont Abraham roundabout, Carmarthenshire) (prohibition of right hand turns and restriction of waiting) Order 2024 , file type: PDF, file size: 198 KB

The A483 trunk road (southbound carriageway lay-by on the southern approach to Pont Abraham roundabout, Carmarthenshire) (prohibition of right hand turns and restriction of waiting) Order 2024: public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 128 KB

The A483 trunk road (southbound carriageway lay-by on the southern approach to Pont Abraham roundabout, Carmarthenshire) (prohibition of right hand turns and restriction of waiting) Order 2024: plan , file type: PDF, file size: 507 KB
The prohibition of right hand turns set out in the draft order is required following the Safety review carried out on the trunk road network which identified that there were collisions involving vehicles turning into the lay-by. The restriction of waiting on the lay-by is considered necessary as the lay-by has been used for long term parking for lift sharing which has prevented the lay-by being used for its intended purpose as a rest area for drivers.