Agenda item 7: actions arising
Actions arising.
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Meeting 3: 10 July 2024
Agenda item 2: use of Welsh Government financial support to ensure fair work
Action: SPC Secretariat to ensure the issue of using Welsh Government funding conditions to support fair work is placed on the agenda for the next SPC meeting.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: further paper on the issue has been tabled for 30 September meeting.
Agenda item 3: the potential for the Social Partnership Council to advise on AI implications for the workforce
Action: SPC Secretariat to draft a letter from the Minister to the WPC AI sub-group thanking them for their work and confirming that the SPC would be interested in receiving their final report on the threats and opportunities presented by AI.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: letter was issued on 30th July.
Agenda item 4: the potential for the Social Partnership Council to support equality and diversity
Action: SPC Secretariat to prepare a paper which captures the blended approach to equalities work recommended by members.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: paper has been tabled for 30 September meeting.
Agenda item 4: the potential for the Social Partnership Council to support equality and diversity
Action: SPC Secretariat to provide members with details of existing equalities groups across Welsh Government.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: information circulated to members on 5 September.
Agenda item 5: minutes/actions arising
Action: SPC Secretariat to consider the formatting of future actions arising papers.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: format of paper has been revised.
Meeting 2: 4 June 2024
Agenda item 3: CONFIDENTIAL: MEMBERS ONLY: consultation on Welsh Ministers legislative priorities
Action: SPC Secretariat to make members aware when Stage 1 consultation on the Bus Bill is launched.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Ongoing: to be actioned when the Bus Bill is introduced.
Meeting 1: 1 February 2024
Agenda item 2: the SPC procedures
Action: Secretariat to review and recirculate the SPC procedures document for agreement having taken into account the points raised by (DW and GL in paragraphs 7, and 12 respectively) ahead of the next meeting of the Council.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Completed: draft Attendance & Conduct policy circulated for comment on 8 August. Final Procedures tabled for agreement at 30 September meeting.
Agenda item 4: proposed approach to the provision of information and advice by the SPC to the Welsh Ministers
Action: DMSP agreed to share all 56 social partnership reports from public bodies (when available) with the summary report for 2024 to 2025 should SPC members wish to see them.
Owner: SPC Secretariat
Ongoing: to be actioned when the reports have been published.
Agenda item 6: the Socially Responsible Public Procurement provisions of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023
Action: SPC to consider the establishment of a subgroup to look specifically at the procurement of AI software and its impact on the workforce.
Owner: SPC Members
Ongoing: a paper on this issue was discussed at the July meeting of the SPC and it was agreed that this would be considered once the report from the WPC subgroup had been considered.
Agenda item 6: the Socially Responsible Public Procurement provisions of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023
Action: SH to consider how best to ensure that the SPC is kept up to date via technical briefings on procurement matters as well as the development of the Procurement Subgroup.
Owner: Welsh Government Official
Ongoing: updates provided at the July and 30 September meetings as papers to note. A technical briefing on procurement has been arranged for 24 September.