Report by the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) on the use of high expansion nitrogen foam delivery systems for depopulation of poultry flocks affected by notifiable disease in the UK.

Animal Welfare Committee: opinion on the use of high expansion nitrogen foam delivery systems for depopulation of poultry flocks affected by notifiable disease in the UK , file type: PDF, file size: 360 KB
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Advise on the animal welfare and ethical implications of high expansion nitrogen foam as a poultry culling method during depopulation for disease control.
AWC was asked to provide the following:
- an animal welfare assessment of high expansion nitrogen foam as a method of depopulation for intensively kept poultry
- a comparison to other legal stunning methods
- whether high expansion nitrogen foam is appropriate for mass depopulation of poultry
- if applicable, how to progress its use as a culling method in Avian Influenza and other notifiable avian disease outbreaks