Report by the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) on ventilation shutdown (VSD) as an emergency culling method for poultry affected by high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

Animal Welfare Committee: opinion on ventilation shutdown as an emergency culling method for poultry affected by high pathogenic avian influenza , file type: PDF, file size: 362 KB
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Advice on VSD as an emergency culling method for poultry. The context for this advice is the high numbers of birds and premises affected by HPAI over 2021, 2022 and 2023.
AWC was asked to provide expert analysis of:
- the animal welfare implications of using VSD to cull:
- intensively kept broiler (meat) chickens
- chickens kept for egg production
- turkeys
- the animal welfare impacts and ethical views on the use of VSD as against birds dying of HPAI