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Cymraeg 2050 is our national strategy for increasing the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050. 

The Welsh Government is fully committed to the new strategy, with the target of a million speakers included in the Taking Wales Forward Programme for Government and Prosperity for All: the national strategy. A thriving Welsh language is also included in one of the 7 well-being goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

We also have a statutory obligation to fully consider the effects of our work on the Welsh Language. This means that any Welsh Government policy should consider how our policies affect the language and those who speak it.  

The Cymraeg 2050 strategy has three themes:

The three Cymraeg 2050 themes


The headings under each theme outline the scope of activities that can affect the language.

As a general rule, if your policy has the potential to impact on people, it will impact in some way on Welsh speakers and therefore on the Welsh language. 

1. Welsh Language Impact Assessment reference number

Completed by the Welsh Language Standards Team, email:

Clearance code: 01/07/2022

2. Does the proposal demonstrate a clear link with the Welsh Government’s strategy for the Welsh language? – Cymraeg 2050 A million Welsh speakers and the related Work Programme for 2017-2021?

No – Other than all legislation, correspondence and publicity will comply with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 there is no impact on the Welsh language.  Public consultation on the proposals in 2020 did not result in any consultee outlining a way these proposals could harm the Welsh language. All communication relating to the Bill and its implementation will be bilingual.

3. Describe and explain the impact of the proposal on the Welsh language, and explain how you will address these impacts in order to improve outcomes for the Welsh language

How will the proposal affect Welsh speakers of all ages (both positive and/or adverse effects)? You should note your responses to the following in your answer to this question, along with any other relevant information:

How will the proposal affect the sustainability of Welsh speaking communities [1] (both positive and/or adverse effects)?

No impact other than they will not be able to access items banned under the legislation. All communication relating to the Bill and its implementation will be bilingual.

How will the proposal affect Welsh medium education and Welsh learners of all ages, including adults (both positive and/or adverse effects)?

No impact other than they will not be able to access items banned under the legislation. All communication relating to the Bill and its implementation will be bilingual.

How will the proposal affect services [2] available in Welsh (both positive and/or adverse effects)? (e.g. health and social services, transport, housing, digital, youth, infrastructure, environment, local government etc.) 

No impact other than they will not be able to access items banned under the legislation. All communication relating to the Bill and its implementation will be bilingual.

How will you ensure that people know about services that are available in Welsh and are able to access and use them as easily as they can in English? What evidence / data have you used to inform your assessment, including evidence from Welsh speakers or Welsh language interest groups?

Other than all legislation, correspondence and publicity will comply with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure  2011 there is no impact on the Welsh language.  Public consultation on the proposals in 2020 did not result in any consultee outlining a way these proposals could harm the Welsh language.

What other evidence would help you to conduct a better assessment?

Not applicable.

How will you know if your policy is a success?

Through a reduction in littering and the quantity of single use plastic waste being sent to landfill.

[1.] These can be close-knit rural communities, dispersed social networks in urban settings, and in virtual communities reaching across geographical spaces.

[2.]  The Welsh Language Strategy aims to increase the range of services offered to Welsh speakers, and to see an increase in use of Welsh-language services.