The study is one part of a suite of four evaluation studies commissioned by the Welsh Government to assess the process and impact of the introduction of MPA in Wales, with the other three studies being: a contribution analysis; work with retailers; and an assessment of impact on the wider population of drinkers.
This is not the latest release in the series: Research into minimum pricing for alcohol
This report presents the final results of a study which assesses the impact of Minimum Pricing of Alcohol [MPA] on service users and service providers across Wales at a point four years post-implementation of the new legislation.
The explicit aim of this component of the research was to assess both the experience and impact of MPA on service users and services across Wales (including exploring the extent to which switching between substances may have been a consequence of the legislation and the impacts of minimum pricing on household budgets).
Assessing the experiences and impact of minimum pricing for alcohol on service users and service providers: final report , file type: PDF, file size: 748 KB

Assessing the experiences and impact of minimum pricing for alcohol on service users and service providers: appendices (supporting evidence) , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
Dr Chris Roberts
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