This consultation ended 18 April 2013.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 139 KB
Original consultation
We want your views on proposals to ban the shooting of White-fronted Geese (WFG) to protect an endangered species.
Consultation description
There are 2 types of White-fronted Geese (WFG) that winter in the UK - the Eurasian (or European) race and the Greenland race. Eurasian White-fronted Geese (EWFG) are numerous but Greenland White-fronted Geese (GWFG) are considered to be endangered.
The UK is important for GWFG. About half the world’s population of GWFG visit the UK in winter. We need to take steps to try and reduce GWFG deaths to meet our international conservation obligations.
What would change
Currently under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 WFG may be killed or taken outside of the ‘Closed Season’ in England and Wales. The closed season is 1 February – 31 August each year or for wild geese in or over any area below high-water mark of ordinary spring tides between 21 February – 31 August.
The ban would come into force on 01 September 2013 and be in place throughout the year (including in the ‘open season’).
Consultation documents