Information by school sector and local authority for April 2021 to March 2022.
This is not the latest release in the series: Budgeted expenditure on Special Educational Needs provision
Main points
Total expenditure on SEN provision in schools by local authorities is budgeted to be £457 million, an increase of £24.5 million or 5.7% compared with the previous year.
27% of the total budgeted SEN expenditure is delegated to special schools. Notional allocations within nursery, primary, middle and secondary schools account for a further 44% of the total. The remaining 29% is non-delegated money held centrally by local authorities.
Denbighshire and Wrexham delegate the largest proportion of their SEN budget to their schools at 84%, whilst Caerphilly delegates the smallest proportion at 52%.
Total SEN expenditure per pupil for Wales is budgeted to be £1,002. This consists of £709 delegated expenditure per pupil and £293 non-delegated expenditure per pupil.
Merthyr Tydfil has the largest SEN budget per pupil at £1,275, whilst Monmouthshire has the smallest SEN budget per pupil at £743.

Budgeted expenditure on Special Educational Needs provision: April 2021 to March 2022 , file type: PDF, file size: 663 KB
Anthony Newby
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