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How to search TermCymru

The facility for searching TermCymru has been changed as part of the August 2019 update.

TermCymru is based on an English>Welsh terminology database, therefore please note that details such as parts of speech etc are not recorded for the English terms.

Here are some tips to help you search more effectively.

On the search page

Please note - you cannot search for part of a word or words, for example you can't search for "soc rent hous" to find "social rented housing".

Searching for an English term, or a Welsh term?
You can search for English or Welsh terms by using the search box. You don't need to choose a language before searching for a term.

Searching for a specific phrase?
You don’t need to use double quote marks around those words. Any exact matches will appear towards the top of the results list.

Searching for a multi-word term or title?
It may be quicker to search for some of the more unusual words rather than the entire term or title, eg
"housing fraud detection" rather than" prevention of social housing fraud (detection of fraud) (wales) regulations".

Want to limit your results to a specific subject?
Choose that subject from the dropdown list and click on 'Search'.

TermCymru will search for the mutated forms of Welsh words in the termbase, as well as the unmutated form, eg a search for "Cymru" will find terms which include the forms "Cymru", "Gymru", "Chymru" and/or "Nghymru". The mutated forms will be found lower down the list of results.

On the results page

Please note - there are two tabs on the results page; one for English-language terms and the other for Welsh-language terms. TermCymru will display the tab you chose for your last search. If you change to search for a term in the other language, male sure that you click on the other tab to see the relevant results.

When searching for English-language terms, TermCymru will also find variations on those English-language words. For example, a search for 'organisation' will also display terms including the words 'organisations', 'organised' and 'organising'. It will also find some specific spelling variations. For example, a search for 'organisation' will also display records including the words 'organization', and terms which include a hyphen will be displayed even if a hyphen was not typed into the search box.

You can click on a specific term to go to a page which displays that term alone. This facility might be useful if you'd like to send a link to a specific term to someone.