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TermCymru fields

Find out about the information fields which appear with each term in TermCymru.

All Welsh-language terms in TermCymru will show the subject, part of speech and status. Some terms will also show a definition, a contextual sentence and/or usage notes. This is more likely in the case of more recent terms.

All populated fields in the database will be displayed in the record for the term.

Here you will find the status of the term. An explanation of the status regime can be found from the menu on the right.

Here you will find any definition of the term. Definitions are added to status A and B terms where they might help users with disambiguation of the term, or where they might help explain some aspect of the concept. In general, definitions will be in Welsh but older terms may have a definition in English.

This is the subject to which the term belongs.

Part of speech
Here you will find the grammatical details of the term.

Here you will find sentences which show the Welsh-language term being used. Contextual sentences are added where they might help users by exemplifying how the term might be used in a sentence, or where they might help explain some aspect of the concept.

For all new terms added or existing terms revised since the summer of 2015, this field is only used to record contextual sentences. Earlier records may show different types of notes in the Context field.

Here you will find the standard plural form of the term.

Here you will find any usage notes for the term. Among other things, notes may draw attention to relationships with other concepts and terms or may indicate contexts in which it might be permissible to relax the usage of the technical term.