This consultation ended 23 July 2018.
Summary of outcome
A summary of responses is now available.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
Original consultation
We want your views on proposed changes to how infrastructure development in Wales is approved following new powers given to the Welsh Ministers under the Wales Act 2017.
Consultation description
The Wales Act 2017 devolves powers to Welsh Ministers for:
- approving electricity generating stations up to 350MW, both on and offshore and associated overhead electric lines, up to and including 132KV
- changing existing, and introducing new, law for the management of harbours, building new harbours and creating harbour authorities
- marine licences
- offshore marine nature conservation.
We want to encourage the delivery of sustainable infrastructure and ‘green’ growth, as well as making sure our commitments are met in terms of community involvement, energy diversity, carbon emissions and security of supply.
We are seeking your views on:
- our proposals to establish a new process for the approval of infrastructure development in Wales
- interim arrangements until a new process to approve infrastructure development is in place
- reforms to compulsory purchase in Wales.
Consultation documents