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Summary of virtual meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions

The Welsh Government (WG) welcomed attendees to the meeting and invited introductions around the table

2. Summary of meeting – 23/1/2020

The Group were asked to consider the summary of the 23/1/2020 meeting.

3. Overview and update on the Act

WG provided an overview and an update on the Act and the associated implementation groups, including a more detailed update on the communications work relating to the Act.

4. Parenting and Communications update

WG provided an update on parenting policy and the Parenting. Give it time communications work undertaken since lockdown, including a number of additional Top Tips resources created and promoted. The Parenting. Give it Time website has been reviewed and refreshed, linking information to three key themes – Children’s Behaviour; Give them time and Supporting you.

5. Repository of Information

WG presented the repository of information paper provided to the Group, and a discussion around this new task took place. The task has been added to the PEAG action plan.

6. Workshops

The Group was split into two workshops to discuss:

Workshop 1 –PEAG work stream development
Workshop 2 –a Bespoke Parenting Programme

7. Feedback from Workshops

WG provided a summary of the workshops and thanked everyone for their contribution to the discussions.

8. AOB and closing remarks

The Chairs thanked everyone for attending.