What we do
From April 2023, the Citizen Voice Body (CVB) will represent the voices and opinions of the people of Wales in respect of health and social care services. It will be independent of government, the NHS and local authorities but work with them, and others, to support the continuous improvement of person-centred services.
The CVB will:
- listen to the views of the public, in all parts of Wales, about health and social care services
- help ensure that people’s lived experiences shape the design and improvement of services – influencing local, regional and national plans and policy
- help build greater connections between health and social care services, individuals and communities – promoting a truly representative citizen voice
The CVB will use a wide range of engagement methods, including face-to-face discussion, to ensure it captures the views of our diverse communities and provides support in ways best suited to the individual.
In representing the interests of the public, the CVB will engage with NHS bodies and local authorities when they are developing, reviewing or planning changes to their services. This could be through involvement in consultation exercises; attendance at meetings; or by contacting them to make known views about a particular aspects of their services.
The CVB will need to develop effective relationships with public, independent and voluntary sector organisations, across health and social care, in the interests of citizens and shared values.
Getting involved
The CVB will be led by its Board members, with a dedicated team of staff and diverse volunteer membership; working together to make a real difference for the people of Wales, informed by what matters to them.
Further information about the CVB and how you can become involved will be added here, as the organisation is set up during 2022 to 2023.