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How to create and edit the 'organisation' content type on GOV.WALES.

First published:
15 January 2020
Last updated:

When to use

Contact the Corporate Digital Team to discuss using this type.

Use for:

  • bodies listed on the Welsh public bodies register

Use to:

  • give an overview of the organisation's work, responsibilities and priorities

Content is both from and about the organisation, for example

  • minutes and reports published by the organisation
  • the organisation's remit letter published by Welsh Government

This means the summary text on the organisation's home page is written to be about them and not from them, for example:

  • correct: the Wales Tree Health Steering Group advises on pests and diseases affecting trees
  • incorrect: we provide advice on pests and diseases affecting trees

When publications are correctly tagged to an external organisation, they will appear on the organisation homepage. 

How to create

Contact the Corporate Digital Team to create an organisation. Once created, you can edit and add content to it.  

Editing an existing internal organisation

  1. Log in to GOV.WALES and LLYW.CYMRU.
  2. Find the existing organisation either by browsing the public site or select Workbench then All recent content. You must do this on GOV.WALES as the English content must be edited first.
  3. Open the organisation.
  4. Select EDIT DRAFT or NEW DRAFT.
  5. Do not edit the Title field.
  6. You can choose to add additional information in What we do - read more. Enter the title of a Corporate information item type to link to.
  7. If you want to edit or start using FEATURE VIEW ALL BUTTON contact the Corporate Digital Team.
  8. Edit any existing GUIDANCE INFORMATION AND SERVICES links. If you are not using this field and would like to, contact the Corporate Digital Team.
  9. Use CORPORATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES to link to information such as membership and terms of reference. 
  10. Start typing the name of the page that you want to link to in the top box.
  11. Select the correct page from the drop down list.
  12. If you want to use an alternative title for the page in the organisation, type this in the Link text box. 
  13. Select Add another item to link to more items and repeat steps 9 to 11. 
  14. Make sure that CONTACT INFORMATION is correct.
  15. If you want to edit or start using SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS contact the Corporate Digital Team.
  16. If you want to edit or start using Newsletter link contact the Corporate Digital Team.
  17. Do not edit CATEGORY LINKS.
  18. Add a Review Date.
  19. Complete Revision log message (all languages) with brief summary of change(s).
  20. Select Save and Create New Draft.
  21. To add the Welsh content, select TRANSLATE.
  22. Select Add from row labelled Welsh.
  23. Update fields with Welsh language content.
  24. To save changes without making them public select Save and Create New Draft (this translation). To save and make changes public select Save and publish (this translation).
  25. Publish the Welsh and the English and check both languages, for example layout is correct and links work.

Editing an existing external organisation

  1. Find the existing organisation either by browsing the public site or select Workbench then All recent content. You must do this on GOV.WALES as the English content must be edited first.
  2. Open the organisation.
  3. Select EDIT DRAFT or NEW DRAFT.
  4. If necessary, edit the Title field.
  5. If the organisation has an externally hosted website, you must select the External field on the left hand side.
  6. Do not edit CATEGORY LINKS.
  7. Add the organisation website in Organisation URL.
  8. If you want to edit or start using Remit information contact the Corporate Digital Team.  
  9. Add a Review Date.
  10. Complete Revision log message (all languages) with brief summary of change(s).
  11. Select Save and Create New Draft.
  12. To add the Welsh content, select TRANSLATE.
  13. Select Add from row labelled Welsh.
  14. Update fields with Welsh language content.
  15. To save changes without making them public select Save and Create New Draft (this translation). To save and make changes public select Save and publish (this translation).
  16. Publish the Welsh and the English and check both languages, for example layout is correct and links work.