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A grant to encourage and support people in engaging with the democratic process.

First published:
9 January 2023
Last updated:

What funding is available?

£300,000 is being made available, per year, to improve democratic engagement. The funding is to benefit as many people as possible.

About the grant

Our Programme for government includes a commitment to reduce the democratic deficit.

This grant supports our aim to ensure every citizen can engage with democracy.

We aim to fund a range of organisations to ensure all groups can be reached. We will also be looking to ensure a geographic spread. The grant panel will consider value for money in their decision making.

Who can apply for the grant?

  • Welsh based organisations that are registered with The Charity Commission. 
  • 'Not-for-profit' organisations.
  • Local authorities in Wales .

We welcome applications that propose partnership and collaborative working. There should be one lead applicant who will act as the grant holder and data controller.

We will not accept applications from any organisation with a party-political affiliation.

Required criteria

Successful applicants will join the Welsh Democratic Engagement Partnership. The Partnership meets on a regular basis.

Successful applicants will provide an evaluation at the end of the grant term.

How to apply

1. Apply by completing the completing the application form.

There are 2 application forms for projects requesting funding. Please refer to the guidance to ensure the correct form is used.

You can submit extra information you consider useful in support of your application. This can be project plans, communication plans, organisational and relationship diagrams.

2. Email your completed application to:

If you need the application form in an alternative format, please email:

We will write to the Lead Applicant of each application of the outcome.

Timeline and further information

Due to funding already committed in 2024 to 2025, the available budget is reduced. We currently have £40,000 of our £300,000 budget remaining. We ask that all organisation take this information in to consideration when applying.

Due to time constraints, we are shortening the length of the application window. The application window details are below:

  • 19 July 2024: grant application window opens for bids over £1000
  • 16 August 2024: grant application window closes 

Following the closure of the application window, our grant panel will meet to assess bids. Organisations will then be notified of the decision as well as next steps.