Dr Georgina Santos Commissioner

Reader, Cardiff University.
Georgina Santos is an economist interested in environmental and transport economics and public policy. She has conducted research on environmental taxes for air and road transport and on delays at airports and traffic congestion on roads, and more recently, on shared mobility and Mobility as a Service. Georgina holds a first degree in Economics from Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina), an MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics from University College London and a PhD in Economics from Cambridge University. After completing her PhD, Georgina held a British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge University, jointly with a Junior Research Fellowship in Wolfson College. This was followed by a Departmental Lectureship at the Transport Studies Unit, in the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford University. Georgina was also one of the first six fellows at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, before she moved to Cardiff University. Georgina’s research has been funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund, the European Commission, the European Regional Development Fund, the British Academy, Shell, the ESRC and the then UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.