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This consultation ended 8 January 2016.

Consultation period:
20 November 2015 to 8 January 2016
Last updated:

Summary of outcome

The summary of responses is available on GOV.UK

Original consultation

The Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales, Defra, Environment Agency and Ofwat, are jointly consulting on the technical guidelines for the 2019 Water Resource Management Plans (WRMPs) for England and Wales.

Consultation description

A water resources plan is the tool by which a water company must demonstrate it has assessed its long term demand and supply and proposed a plan that will deliver the water needed. In doing so you should address the challenges of the future including a growing economy and population Water Framework Directive objectives and the impacts of climate change.

We expect water companies to set out clearly in their plan the outcomes they intend to deliver for their customers including the resilience of their supply whilst protecting the environment. For companies wholly or mainly in Wales we are particularly keen to see water companies taking a more integrated approach following the principles of natural resource management including water efficiency measures and tackling leakage.

Our joint consultation is being hosted by the Environment Agency (external link).