Dyfed Edwards Commissioner

Dyfed Edwards, Deputy Chair, Welsh Revenue Authority.
In September 2018, Dyfed Edwards was appointed Deputy Chair, having served as a Non-Executive Member of the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) Board since October 2017. He currently chairs the WRA People Committee. Dyfed is a former Leader of Gwynedd Council and was Vice President of the Welsh Local Government Association, as well as serving as a representative on the Welsh Government/WLGA Finance Sub-Group. Dyfed was Welsh Local Government spokesperson on various topics during this period being awarded Local Government Politician of the year in 2009. Dyfed also serves as a Non-Executive Director of Public Health Wales where he chairs the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee. Dyfed has previously served as a member of the Welsh Government Expert Group on Housing an Ageing Population and the Welsh Speaking Communities Task and Finish Group. He has also served on various organisations in Gwynedd and gained experience in the SME sector including involvement in business start-up. Dyfed has a wide knowledge of education in Wales. He is a former teacher and governor of both primary and secondary schools. He has also held the position of Portfolio Leader for Education in Gwynedd.