Elaine Seagriff Commissioner

Elaine Seagriff is a member of the South East Wales Transport Commission.
Elaine is Director of Transport Planning with Jacobs and leads their UK national transport strategy and policy team to shape strategic policy and transport planning initiatives in city regions.
Prior to joining Jacobs in 2017 Elaine served as Head of Transport Policy and Strategy for Transport for London and was responsible for developing and implementing the 20 year Mayor’s Transport Strategy, taking a truly multi-modal and integrated approach to the development of London’s transport system.
She also led the strategies to reduce inequalities and improve accessibility in areas of London, to improve air quality such as through the development of the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone and to improve the regeneration prospects for areas of London in by improving transport provision. Building on this is now advising other authorities on the development of such strategies: most recently she has advised authorities in the West of England, Bristol and Bath; in Scotland to improve the governance and delivery of the National Transport Strategy; and in Toronto, Canada, to achieve better integration across transport modes. She has Commissioner experience with the UK Travel Demand Commission which is looking at changing travel patterns and with the Sustainable Development Commission for the International Association of Public Transport.