Equity in STEM board: what we do
The Equity in STEM Board leads to improve equity, diversity and inclusion across the Welsh STEM community. It is a forum for STEM ambassadors to come together to discuss issues and progress.
Improving equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM
Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills help us to shape modern society. Taking part in STEM subjects can deliver lifelong benefits due to the growing need for these skills.
Opportunities to gain STEM skills are not equally distributed across society. Under-represented groups in some areas of STEM education, research and employment settings include:
- women
- people from ethnic minorities
- disabled people
- people from under-resourced backgrounds
- LGBTQ+ people
We need to make sure everyone gets a fair chance in STEM, and we are taking action to address these issues.
Equity in STEM board
The board is chaired by the Minister for Social Partnership.
Board members include:
- The Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales
- STEM ambassadors
- Welsh Government officials
The board meets every six months to discuss issues and progress.
Two subgroups meet and carry out their own work programmes between board meetings:
- The Equity in STEM education subgroup
- The Equity in STEM industry subgroup
The subgroups have a wider membership than the board. They advise the board and provide evidence-based recommendations.
Our commitments
To tackle inequity in STEM we are:
Investing in early education initiatives
Introducing stronger policies and legislation
This includes policies around:
- gender discrimination
- pay parity
- sexual harassment
Encouraging workplace practices that promote diversity
Such as:
- mentoring
- networking
- flexible working
- career development opportunities
Developing better metrics and data
Allowing us to:
- measure the impact of inequity in STEM.
- inform more effective interventions and policies.