The aim of the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the Apprenticeships Programme for the period 2015 to 2019.
This is not the latest release in the series: Evaluation of Apprenticeships Programme
The focus of the evaluation is on the performance and impact of the programme, with some review of the programme design and delivery processes.
The evaluation has two main phases, interim and final. The interim evaluation phase takes a formative approach and focuses primarily on Programme performance to date and how delivery has worked in practice.
This interim phase of the evaluation begins to test the Theory of Change behind the programme by asking the following questions:
- Does the rationale for the programme still hold? Has it changed?
- Are resources available and being used as planned?
- Are activities delivered as planned and to agreed standards?
- Are the ‘right’ people taking up the programme? What factors are affecting starts and participation?
- Is the programme making a difference? Is the impact as expected or are there unintended effects? At what cost?
In 2015 the Welsh Government secured European Social Fund funding to support the delivery of its Apprenticeship Programme across Wales for January 2015 to March 2019.

Evaluation of Apprenticeships Programme: interim report , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

Evaluation of Apprenticeships Programme: interim report (summary) , file type: PDF, file size: 441 KB
Kimberley Wigley
Telephone: 0300 062 8788
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