An independent evaluation of the Early Years Integration Transformation Programme to inform future roll-out to further Public Services Boards.
This is the latest release
The Early Years Integration Transformation Programme is designed to bring a more coherent and joined up approach to the delivery of support for young children and families.
Nine Public Service Boards, known as pathfinders, participated in the initial programme. They were involved in developing and piloting integrated ways of working.
- All of the pathfinders, even those most advanced in the programme, remain in early stages of integration.
- Pathfinders that have a vision for the integration of services, have created shared understandings of the needs of young children and families, and have greater cooperation between local authority and health services.
- The assumption there is a higher level of need amongst families not engaged with existing programmes has been shown to be correct.
- The programme has successfully challenged assumptions around integration increasing costs, loss of services to families through streamlining, lack of positive outcomes, and the belief that silo working (organisations working separately) is too heavily entrenched within the early years sector.
- Effective implementation of the programme in pilot activities is dependent on commitment from senior managers and operational staff.
- Implementation is hampered by the presence of multiple early years programmes operating in parallel to each other.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) has delayed implementation of the programme and restricted the delivery of early years services.
- Within pathfinders there is an increased awareness of the wider needs of families and, mainly within pilot areas, knowledge of how best to tackle them in a more integrated way.

Evaluation of the Early Years Integration Transformation Programme , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
Huw Bowen
Telephone: 0300 025 1385
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