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Four reports providing supporting evidence from Year 1 of the RIF National Evaluation. The findings set out the ideas and values informing the RIF as understood from a range of perspectives.

Framework for change 

The report provides an overview of the values, ideas and aspirations for change set out in the RIF, against a background of the various contextual factors that may have a bearing on its implementation and effectiveness across Wales.

It sets out the aims and objectives of the RIF and explores how the fund’s initiatives will be delivered. It also describes the RIF’s foundations, activities, and proposed outcomes.

The report finds that the RIF is simultaneously a guiding blueprint, integrative planning and resourcing mechanism, and learning vehicle to enable the development of sustainable national models for effective integrated health and social care. It concludes that these integrated models are in turn seeking to support individual health and wellbeing outcomes, systems outcomes, and workforce outcomes.

Realist review

This report is the first stage of the realist review – the literature review element - that forms part of the evaluation of the Regional Integration Fund. The review will continue to expand across Year Two of the evaluation in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relevant literature around integrated care.

Findings from this stage of the realist review identify and highlight many of the important components of successful integrated care programmes, as well as some of the barriers to success.

Group concept mapping

Using an online consensus method called Group Concept Mapping (GCM) this study explored participants’ perspectives on the ideas and concepts behind the Regional Integration Fund (RIF). Participants represented all regions across Wales, and a range of stakeholder organisations. 

Findings from the GCM study include:

  • demonstrated participation from a very good cross-section of stakeholders. Participants represented all the regions in Wales and national perspectives, and a range of different organisations
  • the emergence of two distinct groups of concepts  – the relatively positively-rated ‘strategic’ concepts underpinning RIF (‘Ambition to change’, ‘Communication, relationships and networking’, and ‘Integration and collaboration’), which is offset by the relatively negatively-rated ‘operational’ concepts underpinning RIF (‘Complexity and constraints’, ‘Funding and demand management’, and ‘Governance’)

Scoping interviews

This qualitative research report draws on in-depth scoping interviews with 24 key stakeholders held between October and November 2023.

The report finds in its conclusions that:

  • there is a positive response to the intention and ambition of RIF
  • there is support for the integrative and collaborative vision and ambition of RIF and for enacting the key principles of RIF
  • RPBs have used the first year of RIF to test the alignment of funded projects with the broader objectives of RIF
  • the Communities of Practice (CoPs) are sharing learning and making important linkages with relevant national programmes


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Rachel Cohen and Sally Rees

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.


Telephone: 0300 025 8099

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