The programme gives young people the opportunity to spend a year in College doing preliminary study and to undertake a work placement to prepare them for the Apprenticeship scheme.
This is the latest release in the series: Evaluation of Pathways to Apprenticeship programme
Series information:
The programme ran from 2009/10 to 2013/14 and was supported from 2010/11 onwards by funding from the European Social Fund (ESF).
Key findings from the report are that:
- Pathways to Apprenticeship (PtA) provided eight thousand learners with valuable skills and qualifications, and a degree of employability which is likely to have enhanced their career prospects and lifetime earnings. It did so at a cost which is, over time, expected to generate a net benefit for public budgets
- PtA’s key success was that the programme of learning was strong as demonstrated by high levels of completion and attainment, and high levels of satisfaction with the programme amongst learners
- while the ESF-funded targets within the programme were nearly all achieved, the Welsh Government targets for numbers progressing into Apprenticeship were not met
- a further limitation of the programme was that it required a high rate of administrative and organisational input in relation to its scale of delivery.

Evaluation of Pathways to Apprenticeship programme: final report , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
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Kimberley Wigley
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