A study which presents the outcomes of the projects aim to reduce the number of drug-related deaths.
This is the latest release
The main aim of the project was to reduce drug-related deaths in Wales. This document presents the main findings of the evaluation of the THN demonstration project.
The evaluation reports that over 600 clients have been trained in the use of naloxone and been given other advice on recognising and dealing with overdose events. Just over 10% of kits handed out were used during the year long study period.
A comparison of harm reduction action, taken at overdose events among the naloxone group, and a comparison non-naloxone group, found that the naloxone group more frequently used the recovery position, and called an ambulance. The report recommends that the scheme continues, and that the programme is rolled out nationwide.

Evaluation of the Take Home Naloxone Demonstration Project , file type: PDF, file size: 3 MB