Extension of the sustainable social services third sector grants and key third sector organisation grants
Subsidy reference no: SC11237 - Funding for projects that support various vulnerable groups, improving health and well-being, promoting social inclusion, advocating for rights, and providing education and skills development.
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Point to note
If you are using this scheme to provide awards of subsidy, you must inform the Subsidy Control Unit – email: scu@gov.wales
1. Region
2. Title of subsidy scheme
Extension of the Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grants and Key Third Sector Organisation Grants
3. UK legal basis
Section 14 of the Education Act 2002. The sections provide a power for Welsh Ministers to give financial assistance in relation to education and children, including grant-making power, and section 14(2)(j) includes the purpose for the promotion of the welfare of children and their parents. The power, which is expressed to be a power of the National Assembly under the Education Act 2002, is vested in the Welsh Ministers by paragraph 30 of Schedule 11 of the Government of Wales Act 2006.
Section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968. Section 64 provides that the Welsh Ministers may provide grant assistance to voluntary organisations operating on an all-Wales basis in the Health and Social Care sectors.
4. Specific policy objectives of the scheme
Grant funding is used to support a diverse range of projects aimed at supporting various vulnerable groups, improving health and well-being, promoting social inclusion, advocating for rights, and providing education and skills development.
The grant supports deliver of priorities within the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, with funding awarded to those projects that would continue to contribute to the outcomes and key themes underpinning the Act as well as meeting specific criteria and demonstrating good value for money.
5. Purpose of the Scheme
The purpose of the grant scheme is to harness the expertise of the Third Sector, their experience in working with service users and skills in co-production, in the interests of forwarding and supporting the development and delivery of Welsh Government Policy and legislation.
The grant projects cover a range of service areas, in a way that reflects population need and best meets the key themes, which includes focus on people, well-being, prevention and early intervention, partnership, accessibility and new service models.
6. Public authority(ies) authorised to implement the scheme
Welsh Government
7. Category(ies) of eligible enterprise
Third Sector organisations.
8. Summary of the terms and conditions of the scheme
Grants awarded on a competitive basis to projects that met the specific criteria relating to Welsh Government Social Care Policy, supported the outcomes and contributed to the key themes of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, and demonstrated good value for money. The funding round was also designed to value collaboration by awarding additional weighting to joint bids in the scoring process and encouraging supra-regional bids or those with a potential for national application.
9. Basis for the calculation of subsidies under the scheme, including a summary of any conditions relation to subsidy ratios or amounts
Funding is awarded for projects based on competitive bids.
10. Sector(s) to be supported
- Information and communication
- Administrative and support service activities
- Human health and social work activities
- Other service activities
11. Duration of the scheme
The scheme will operate from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2026.
12. Budget for aid under the scheme
13. Form of support
All subsidy awarded under the scheme will be awarded by way of grants.
14. Eligibility terms and conditions
Grants were awarded on a competitive basis to projects that met the specific criteria relating to Welsh Government Social Care Policy, supported the outcomes and contributed to the key themes of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, and demonstrated good value for money. The funding round was also designed to value collaboration by awarding additional weighting to joint bids in the scoring process and encouraging supra-regional bids or those with a potential for national application.
15. Maximum subsidy allowable under the scheme
16. Contact information
Subsidy Control Unit
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF10 3NQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0)3000 604 400
Email: subsidycontrolunit@gov.wales
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.