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The Fair Work Commission held its fourth meeting on 11 December 2018.

The Commission reviewed progress made since the last meeting.

It was noted that the Call for Evidence had now ended and that a number of engagement meetings had been held. It was agreed that a list of those with whom the Commission had met be posted on the website.

Commissioners provided initial reflections on those meetings and identified main points arising.

The Commission had a preliminary discussion of the Call for Evidence submissions, noting the range and variety of contributors and identifying some emerging themes and issues. Sixty submissions had been received. In addition some forty reports and articles had been provided by respondents, with many others referred to. The Commission noted its satisfaction with the number and range of replies.

The Commission discussed the Welsh Government’s legislative competence in areas of relevance to Fair Work.

The nature and scheduling of future work was discussed. A provisional programme of activity was agreed ahead of the Commission’s reporting deadline in March 2019.