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  1. Apologies.     10.00
  2. Introductions.
  3. Declaration of Interests.
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 23.05.24, and Matters Arising.     10.10
  5. Chair’s Announcements.     10.15
  6. Items from the Regional Groups.     10.20
  7. Committee Work Programme - To consider the report of the Chair on the update of the Work Programme and on its roll forward to 2026 – 27.     10.35
  8. Welsh Government FCERM Update - Welsh Government.     10.55
  9. Upper Severn Valley Water Management Strategy – Mike Adams, Arcadis, Severn Valley Strategic Lead on behalf of the Environment Agency.     11.15

    ---------Break---------      11.45
  10. National Flood Forum – Tracey Garrett, Chief Executive Officer.     11.55
  11. Securing a Sustainable Future White Paper: Environmental Principles, Governance and Biodiversity Targets for a Greener Wales – Matt Edwards, Legislative Policy Lead; Sarah MacCarty, Environmental Governance and Biodiversity Targets Bill Manager; and Karen Stothard, Head of Biodiversity Strategy; Welsh Government.     12.25
  12. Sub-Committee Minutes - To receive the minutes of, and progress updates from, the following meetings:

    12.2.1 Resources Sub-Committee 14th June 2024;      12.55
    12.2.2 Section 19 Sub-Committee, 3rd July 2024;      13.05
    12.2.3 Policy & Legislation Sub-Committee – 14th August 2024.      13.15

    ---------Lunch Break---------      13.25
  13. Reports

    13.1 Natural Resources Wales Annual Report 2023/24 – Jeremy Parr; Ross Akers, Strategic Planning and Investment Manager; and Rachel Sion, Strategic Planning and Investment Advisor.      14.05
  14. A resolution to exclude members of the public where publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
  15. Managing Flood Impacts in Wales 2050: Review by the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales; Recommendations - Commissioners Eluned Parrott and Dr Eurgain Powell.      14.35
  16. Wales Climate Resilience Strategy – To receive an update from Michelle Delafield, Climate Change Division, Welsh Government.      15.15
  17. Any other business previously notified to the Chair.      15.45
  18. Date and venue of next meeting – Tuesday 26th November 2024, Wrexham County Borough Council, The Guildhall, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 1AY.

    Close      15.50