Meeting, Document
Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee meeting: 5 September 2024
Agenda for the Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee Meeting no 17, 10.00am 5th September 2024, On Teams.
A PDF download of this document will be available soon.
In this page
- Apologies. 10.00
- Introductions.
- Declaration of Interests.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 23.05.24, and Matters Arising. 10.10
- Chair’s Announcements. 10.15
- Items from the Regional Groups. 10.20
- Committee Work Programme - To consider the report of the Chair on the update of the Work Programme and on its roll forward to 2026 – 27. 10.35
- Welsh Government FCERM Update - Welsh Government. 10.55
- Upper Severn Valley Water Management Strategy – Mike Adams, Arcadis, Severn Valley Strategic Lead on behalf of the Environment Agency. 11.15
---------Break--------- 11.45
- National Flood Forum – Tracey Garrett, Chief Executive Officer. 11.55
- Securing a Sustainable Future White Paper: Environmental Principles, Governance and Biodiversity Targets for a Greener Wales – Matt Edwards, Legislative Policy Lead; Sarah MacCarty, Environmental Governance and Biodiversity Targets Bill Manager; and Karen Stothard, Head of Biodiversity Strategy; Welsh Government. 12.25
- Sub-Committee Minutes - To receive the minutes of, and progress updates from, the following meetings:
12.2.1 Resources Sub-Committee 14th June 2024; 12.55
12.2.2 Section 19 Sub-Committee, 3rd July 2024; 13.05
12.2.3 Policy & Legislation Sub-Committee – 14th August 2024. 13.15
---------Lunch Break--------- 13.25
- Reports
13.1 Natural Resources Wales Annual Report 2023/24 – Jeremy Parr; Ross Akers, Strategic Planning and Investment Manager; and Rachel Sion, Strategic Planning and Investment Advisor. 14.05
- A resolution to exclude members of the public where publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
- Managing Flood Impacts in Wales 2050: Review by the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales; Recommendations - Commissioners Eluned Parrott and Dr Eurgain Powell. 14.35
- Wales Climate Resilience Strategy – To receive an update from Michelle Delafield, Climate Change Division, Welsh Government. 15.15
- Any other business previously notified to the Chair. 15.45
- Date and venue of next meeting – Tuesday 26th November 2024, Wrexham County Borough Council, The Guildhall, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 1AY.
Close 15.50