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Through the Environment Act 2016, Welsh Ministers were granted the power to abolish the Flood Risk Management Wales (FRMW) Committee and establish a new Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee (FCEC).

The Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee provides advice on all aspects of flood and coastal risk management in Wales, and supports Welsh Ministers and all Welsh risk management authorities.


Through the Environment Act (Wales) 2016, Welsh Ministers were given the power to abolish the Flood Risk Management Wales Committee and establish a new committee with a wider advisory and co-ordinating role.

The Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee came into being on 14th July 2017.

Role of the committee

The committee facilitates communication between the flood and coastal erosion risk management sector in Wales and the Welsh Ministers. Its links with all relevant organisations allow it to process data, knowledge and intelligence into effective advice for Welsh Ministers.


Martin Buckle is the Chair of the Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee. The remaining 14 members represent a number of sectors and organisations, including Natural Resources Wales, universities, local authorities, the Water industry and businesses with technical expertise. The current members are in post from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026. More information on public appointments.

Committee members
Name Organisation Sector
Jeremy Parr NRW NRW
Darren Thomas Pembs CC Lead Local Flood Authority– south west
Geraint Edwards  Conwy CBC Lead Local Flood Authority - north
Andrew Stone Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC Lead Local Flood Authority – south-east
Jean-Francois Dulong Welsh Local Government Association Welsh Local Government Association
Dominic Scott DCWW Water
Catherine Wilson Cardiff University Universities
Karen Potter Open University Universities
Paul Blackman Wallingford Hydro Institutions
Mike Wellington WSP Consultancy Institutions
Natalie Haines Mott McDonald Flood and coastal erosion risk management professional
Anne-Marie Moon JBA Consulting Flood and coastal erosion risk management professional
Paul Williams NFU Cymru Agriculture
Robin Campbell Ove Arup and Partners Flood and coastal erosion risk management professional