What to include in a GOV.WALES footer.
Footer design

Examples of the footer design for desktop and mobile can be seen on:
- Broadband in Wales (microsite)
- St Davids Awards (microsite)
- BydTermCymru (service)
Primary footer line
The primary footer line can contain the following links:
- ‘About [GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite]’ (optional)
- ‘How to use [GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite]’ (optional)
- ‘Contact [the name of the entity the user would be contacting]’ (optional)
Other links may be acceptable. Email digital@gov.wales if you have a need for extra links.
Secondary footer line
The secondary footer line contains the following links:
- ‘Accessibility’ (mandatory)
- ‘Cookies’ (mandatory, if you set cookies)
- ‘Copyright statement’ (mandatory)
- ‘Privacy’
- ‘Terms and conditions’
You must have an accessibility statement page and link to it from the footer.
The statement must be hosted on your GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite.
Email ddat@gov.wales for an accessibility statement template.
If your GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite sets only strictly necessary cookies, you must have a cookie policy page and link to it from the footer.
You can find advice on strictly necessary cookies from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Your GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite may set cookies that are not strictly necessary. If so you must have a cookie settings page and link to it from the footer. You also must have a cookie policy page and link to it from the cookie settings page.
A cookie settings page must be hosted on your GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite.
The cookie policy must be hosted on your GOV.WALES service, tool or microsite. The cookie policy should be on its own page and not within a privacy notice.
Copyright statement
You must link to a copyright statement from the footer.
Unless your GOV.WALES service or tool has a more specific copyright statement, you must link to the general GOV.WALES copyright statement.
Your GOV.WALES service or tool may need a more specific copyright statement. If so this should be hosted in GOV.WALES core, near to a start page for your GOV.WALES service or tool, and you should link to this.
Email digital@gov.wales if you need a copyright statement hosted on GOV.WALES core.
For GOV.WALES microsites, you must link to a copyright statement from the footer. This should be hosted in the microsite.
You must consider the privacy implications of your service, tool or microsite, for example, processing data.
You should seek advice from your legal team.
Your GOV.WALES service or tool may need a privacy notice. If so this should be hosted in GOV.WALES core near to a start page for the service or tool and should be linked to from the footer.
Email digital@gov.wales if you need a privacy notice hosted on GOV.WALES core.
For GOV.WALES microsites, if you need a privacy notice, this should be hosted in the microsite and should be linked from the footer.
Terms and conditions
You must consider if you need terms and conditions.
You should seek advice from your legal team.
Your GOV.WALES service or tool may need terms and conditions. If so this should be hosted in GOV.WALES core near to a start page for the service or tool and should be linked to from the footer.
Email digital@gov.wales if you need terms and conditions hosted on GOV.WALES core.
For GOV.WALES microsites, if you need terms and conditions, this should be hosted in the microsite and should be linked from the footer.