This consultation ended 16 January 2015.
Reviewing responses
The responses to this consultation are currently being reviewed. Details of the outcome will be published here in due course.
Original consultation
We want your views on our detailed proposals for the new pre-application procedures that are provided for in the Planning (Wales) Bill.
Consultation description
The new procedures aim to make the development management system (the planning application process) more effective and efficient by “frontloading” – ensuring applicants are aware of any significant issues before submitting a planning application.
We also want your views on how powers provided in the Planning (Wales) Bill and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 can help to improve service delivery from statutory consultees.
The Planning (Wales) Bill introduces new pre-application provisions that:
- place a duty on applicants to carry out pre-application consultation with the community and statutory consultees for major developments and
- require local planning authorities (LPAs) to provide pre-application services to applicants.
Other provisions in both the Planning (Wales) Bill and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 place duties on statutory consultees to provide “substantive” consultation responses within specified timescales.
These provisions are designed to “frontload” the development management system allowing significant issues to be raised before planning applications are submitted and providing the community with an opportunity to provide views to developers at an early stage in the planning process.
Consultation documents