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Terms of reference of the Gender Equality Forum.

Purpose of the group

The role of the Forum will be to oversee implementation of the Advancing Gender Equality in Wales Plan and offer advice and expertise to the Welsh Government on pressing and emergent issues that impact gender equality in Wales.


Support the Welsh Government to prioritise Gender Equality Review recommendations and emerging issues to reflect the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery, and the cost of living crisis.

Scrutinise progress against actions in the Welsh Government Advancing Gender Equality in Wales plan and identify any barriers to progress.

Share knowledge and understanding in order to assist in the delivery and monitoring of the gender-related elements of the Welsh Government’s Strategic Equality Plan.

Consult with networks and wider membership to help identify and understand pressing and emergent barriers to gender equality that women, men and non-binary people experience.

Provide expert support and advice to Ministers to understand the pressing and emergent barriers to gender equality and provide practical examples of how to overcome such barriers.

Ensure that any consideration of gender equality considers the intersection between gender, race, disability, being LGBTQ+ and other protected characteristics, and is inclusive and anti-discriminatory.

Support Welsh Government to consider links with the Strategic Equality Plan, the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, the LGBTQ+ Action Plan, Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales beyond COVID-19 and the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence: strategy 2022 to 2026.  This will take place in addition to links with broader Welsh Government policy on health, education, transport and the economy.

Identify possible areas for research to provide a sound evidence base for future policies and programmes.

Welsh Government officials who attend the taskforce will contribute to discussions based on their expertise and experience, consider the issues that arise relating to their policy areas and provide advice as necessary, give updates on progress against actions allocated to them within the Advancing Gender Equality in Wales Plan and report back to policy colleagues on any areas where policies or programmes might be developed or amended to better promote equality of outcome for women, men and non-binary people.


  • Bawso
  • Cardiff University
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales
  • Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales
  • Homestart Cymru
  • National Federation of Women’s Institute Wales
  • Oxfam Cymru
  • Plan International
  • Wales Trades Union Congress
  • Welsh Women’s Aid
  • Women Connect First
  • Women’s Equality Network Wales

Group working arrangements

The Gender Equality Forum will be chaired by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership for 2 meetings a year and will also be chaired by an official for 2 meetings per year.

The secretariat will be provided by the Equality and Human Rights Division of the Welsh Government.

The Gender Equality Forum will meet 4 times a year.

Papers will issue at least 3 working days ahead of any meeting.

Minutes will issue within 2 weeks of the meeting.

Publication of documents

Agendas, papers and minutes of meetings will be made available on request in hard copy or alternative formats.

Access arrangements

If members have any specific requirements to enable them to access a meeting, such as: accessible parking space, British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters, alternate language requirement, material in an alternate format, induction loop system, or any other requirement please notify the Secretariat as soon as possible and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

All meeting papers are to be distributed in advance and provided in an accessible format.