This consultation ended 17 August 2015.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 997 KB
Original consultation
We want to hear your views on the processes by which a geological disposal facility (GDF) might be sited in Wales if a volunteer community chose to enter into discussions on potentially hosting one.
Consultation description
Following a public consultation we have taken the decision to adopt a policy for the geological disposal of higher activity radioactive waste. We consider that geological disposal can only be delivered in Wales on the basis of voluntary partnership with a community or communities willing to enter discussions about potentially hosting a geological disposal facility and for those discussions to be successfully concluded; a process which may take over a decade.
This consultation seeks views on the processes by which a GDF might be sited in Wales and to provide information to potential volunteer host communities which may want to enter discussions without commitment about hosting a geological disposal facility.
Consultation documents