Graham Black Non-executive Director, Seafish

Graham Black is a non-executive Director of Seafish.
Graham also chairs the Seafish Wales Advisory Committee. This has representatives from across the seafood supply chain in Wales.
Prior to his work in Seafish, Graham was Director Marine Scotland. This is the part of Scottish Government responsible for all activities in Scotland's seas. From fishing, salmon farming and the environment to offshore wind farms.
With responsibility for policy, science and compliance he developed a wide ranging knowledge of the sector and its challenges.
In his time at Marine Scotland he worked closely with colleagues in Welsh government during the pre and post Brexit period. Graham's earlier career included senior leadership roles in HMRC, including his time as Director Wales. He was also heavily involved in working with OECD and industry.
Apart from his Seafish role, he is currently Chair of a Development Trust. He is also a member of the Development Trust Association of Scotland. The trust's aim is to help local communities build capacity, operate local assets and involve communities.
He is married to Claire, with two children and a demanding labrador! He has enjoyed his time spent in Wales and hopes to bring his experience and perspective to the board.