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1. Welcome and introductions

The notes and actions from the previous meeting were agreed.

2. Risk management good practice - Association of British Insurers

Members received a presentation from the Association of British Insurers on risk management and good practice.

3. Directors of Public Protection - presentation on enforcement activity

Members received a presentation on COVID-19 Enforcement Activity in Wales. There was discussion on how some members could support enforcement work and communication and promotion of preventative measures.

4.Feedback from Working Group

The Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government gave a brief update of discussions at the Forum’s Working Group meeting which looked at Covid risks to agency workers and within the food processing sector.

5. Focus of next meeting and close

The forum agreed to meet again in December and asked that the Resolution Foundation’s recent report on ‘Enforcing workplace health and safety in the age of COVID-19’ be put on the agenda of the next meeting.