This consultation ended 28 July 2013.
Summary of outcome
The summary of responses is now available. 55 written responses were received to the White Paper consultation exercise and revisions have been made to the Welsh Government’s proposals as a result of the feedback.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 296 KB

Consultation responses : part 1 , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

Consultation responses : part 2 , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB
Original consultation
This document seeks your views on how the revised regulatory system should operate within the proposed framework.
Consultation description
The Further and Higher Education (Wales) Bill White Paper published in July 2012 set out the Welsh Government’s proposals concerning reform of the current higher education (HE) regulatory framework.
The purpose of this document is twofold:
- to present the Welsh Government’s response to the White Paper consultation
- to undertake further engagement with stakeholders on the technical detail of Welsh Government’s legislative proposals.
Responses will inform refinements to the current proposals including forthcoming legislation.
The technical consultation covers:
- introduction of a revised approach to the designation of higher education courses for the purpose of statutory student support
- arrangements for the enforcement of tuition fee cap and fee plans
- quality assessment of higher education provision
- financial and governance assurance.
Consultation documents