This consultation ended 22 February 2021.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 197 KB
197 KB
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Original consultation
We want your views on a manual to help councils manage their Housing Revenue Account (HRA).
Consultation description
We are consulting on whether it:
- covers all areas of HRA
- explains clearly what councils must and must not credit and debit to their HRA
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 171 KB
171 KB
If you need a more accessible version of this document please email Please tell us the format you need. If you use assistive technology please tell us what this is.

Housing Revenue Account Manual , file type: PDF, file size: 926 KB
926 KB
If you need a more accessible version of this document please email Please tell us the format you need. If you use assistive technology please tell us what this is.