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  • Frances Duffy, Chair
  • Saz Willey, Vice Chair
  • Bev Smith
  • Ruth Glazzard
  • Leighton Jones, Secretariat to the IRPW
  • Kevin Jones, Local Government Democracy and Remuneration, Welsh Government


The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the Panel) met on Tuesday 20 September.

The aim of the meeting was to agree and sign off the 2023 draft annual report and agree with the Secretariat what date the draft report would be published on their website and circulated to stakeholders. 

The Panel were provided with an update from the Secretariat on the effectiveness review of the Panel.

The Panel discussed and agreed agenda item topics for the meetings in October and November as part of their future work plan.

Below summarises the Panel’s discussions and decisions.

Draft Annual Report 2023: sign off

The Panel considered the final changes to the draft report in readiness for publication in October. The Panel were notified of the timeline by the Secretariat and what work was required before the publication date.

Effectiveness review

The Panel were updated on the effectiveness review. Each Panel member will individually meet Tom Smithson to help in the understanding the role of the Panel, how the Panel engage and communicate and using evidence to inform the work of the Panel.

Future meetings

The Panel discussed and agreed to proposed agenda items which would align to their future work programme. One agenda item was to revisit the 2022 to 2023 remit letter to ensure their work was meeting the objectives that were set earlier in the year.

Any other business

The Panel discussed and agreed responses to three queries received by principal councils. These queries asked the Panel for advice and clarification relating to sickness absence for a salary holder and payments made to co-opted members of principal councils.

The Panel also agreed meeting dates for October 2022 to February 2023, these dates can be found here.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales will take place on Tuesday 18 October.

Should you have any matters you wish to raise with the Panel, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the Secretariat by emailing