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Declarations of interests of members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales

Frances Duffy (Chair)

Frances is a Director of Frances Duffy Consulting Ltd, providing project assurance and advice to the public sector across Wales and the rest of the UK.

Saz Willey (Vice Chair)

Saz was Chair of Care and Repair Cymru until September 2024 when her 5-year term ended. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, the Association of Chairs, Women on Board, Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales and the Electoral Reform Society and volunteers at a local food pantry.

Beverley Smith

Bev was born and brought up in the Rhondda Valley and is an experienced public servant of 32 years. As a specialist in economic regeneration and emergency planning her career has involved time working in a wide range of District and Borough Councils within England. Her most recent roles include:

  • Chief Executive level in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and North West Leicestershire driving economic growth and supporting local democracy as the electoral returning officer and regional Police and Crime Commissioner returning officer
  • Chair of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission Wales working collaboratively with Welsh Government and principal and community councils to set electoral boundaries and contribute to effective and efficient local democracy
  • Non-Executive Director for the Coal Authority in April 2023

More recently has been appointed as Independent Adjudicator to local government in Wales from 1 May 2024.

She believes strongly in the strength of partnership working and the role the Panel has in supporting a diverse democracy in Wales and is Lead reviewer for UK Gov for public bodies review programme.

Bev is a director of Bev Smith Consultancy Ltd (dormant company).

Dianne Bevan (Member)

Dianne is a Trustee of the Hansard Society, London (a charity which promotes parliamentary democracy), an Associate with Global Partners Governance, London (an organisation which works with developing democracies) and Commissioner of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.

Katherine Watkins

No declarations.