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The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Authority has published a consultation related to the integration of greenhouse gas removals within the scheme.

How to respond

Consultation ends:
15 August 2024
Consultation launched:

Consultation description

The consultation asks questions on how engineered greenhouse gas removals, such as direct air carbon capture, could be integrated. It also asks whether high-quality nature-based removals could be suitable for the scheme, and if carbon stored by the creation of new UK woodland could be integrated into the UK ETS. Broad topics of the consultation include: 

  • principles for policy design
  • options for the UK ETS cap alongside integration
  • allowance design for GGRs
  • options to manage permanence 
  • integration pathways and timelines

Additional information

This consultation is not limited to particular stakeholders; any organisation or individual is welcome to respond. 

This consultation relates to proposals regarding the UK ETS, which operates across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is a joint consultation, published by the Welsh Government, UK Government, Scottish Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland.

This consultation is being held on GOV.UK