This consultation ended 30 August 2012.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 208 KB
Original consultation
This consultation explores options for delivering Internal Drainage Board (IDB) functions in light of Living Wales and public service delivery reforms.
Consultation description
Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) do important work on land drainage and water level management. Their knowledge and functions are integral to delivering this holistic approach.
We want your views on 3 options for the future delivery of IDB functions in Wales. These are:
- Option 1 – Delivery through IDBs as it is currently
- Option 2 – Delivery through IDBs with changes to organisational arrangements
- Option 3 – Delivery through any new single body for natural resource management in Wales.
We would welcome your views on these proposals and any other matters that you think are relevant to our decision on the future delivery of IDB functions in Wales.
Consultation documents