Terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Joint Ministerial Task and Finish Group on a Whole-School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being.
The Welsh Government has established a Joint Ministerial Task and Finish (T&F) Group to take forward the whole school approach to emotional and mental wellbeing, as part of a whole system approach which also recognises the wider impact of physical wellbeing. In achieving this, the T&F Group will have regard to the recommendations and findings in the Children, Young People and Education Committee Mind Over Matter report (April 2018). The T&F Group will be supported by a stakeholder reference group.
The purpose of this stakeholder reference group is:
- to support the work of the T&F Group by providing expert input and acting as a sounding board to the T&F Group as the whole school approach work programme is developed and implemented.
- to act as a conduit between the T&F Group, local authorities, local health boards and the third sector to help identify and agree strategic and operational approaches that can be support the whole school approach.
- to consider practical solutions and provide advice and recommendations to the Welsh Government to support the programme of work.
Work carried out by this group will be congruous with the principles underpinning the work of the whole school and whole system approach:
- Support must be both universal and targeted.
- Support must be appropriate, timely and effective.
- Support must focus on prevention, restorative practice and on effective and timely intervention when this is needed.
- Support should avoid the medicalisation of children, and centre the needs and the wishes of the children and young people involved.
Group Membership and Structure
The Group will meet at least 3 times a year, following the same schedule as the T&F group. If necessary, it may meet more often to take forward specific actions or pieces of work. Subcommittees may be formed with agreement of the whole group, to take forward discrete pieces of work on an ad hoc basis. The Group is time-limited and will run until the end of this Assembly term (May 2021).
It will be chaired by Ruth Conway, Deputy Director – Support for Learners Division, Welsh Government. Secretariat support will be provided by the Welsh Government.
Organisation |
Confirmed Rep |
Attending 1st meeting on 24 Jan 2019 |
Local Health Boards |
Cwm Taf UHB |
Craige Wilson (Assistant Director Primary Care, Children’s and Community Services) |
Yes |
Gary Doherty (Chief exec) has been asked for nominations |
Powys Teaching UHB |
1. Helen James, School Nursing |
Yes |
Nick Wood (currently on leave - back on 10/12) - His PA has put it in his calendar |
Cardiff & Vale UHB |
Rachel Burton (Director of Operations for the Children and Women Clinical Board)
Yes |
Bro M UHB |
Tracy Mayhill (Chief Exec) has been asked for nominations. |
Angela Lodwick, Head of |
Yes |
Neurodevelopmental |
Dr Cath Norton, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, has been asked to be a Rep.
School nursing |
Barbara Morgan, Hywel Dda UHB - Senior Nurse Quality Assurance School Nursing |
Yes |
Welsh Local Government Association |
Tim Opie, Lifelong Learning Policy Officer |
Yes |
School Governor/Parental representative |
Kevin Griffiths, SED, asked for nominations |
Local Authority Counselling |
Chris Alders, VoG LA |
Yes |
Local Authority Educational Psychology |
Debbie Tynan, SLD asked for nominations |
Royal College of Psychiatrists |
Amani Hassan, Chair RCPsych |
Yes |
Together for Children and Young People Programme |
Deb Austin, T4CYP Programme Manager |
Yes |
Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes |
Sarah Andrews, Head of Programme – Healthy Settings, Public Health Wales |
Yes |
Children’s Commissioner’s office |
Kirrin Davidson, policy Advisor |
Yes |
Third Sector |
Samaritans Cymru |
Sarah Stone, Executive Director |
Yes |
Gofal |
Liz Mander, Deputy Director of Services |
Yes |
Mind |
Nia Evans, Manager, Children and Young People’s Mental Health |
Yes |
Youth Justice Board Cymru |
Lynzi Jarman, Director of Engagement and Innovation |
Yes |
National Youth Advocacy Service |
Sharon Lovell, National Executive Director (Wales) |
Yes |
ACE Hub |
Joanne Hopkins (Director) has been invited |
Yes |
Education stakeholder (head teacher?) |
Debbie Tynan, SLD has been asked for nominations |
TUC representative |
1. Rosie Lewis, Unison |
Yes |
Academic |
Ann John, Clinical Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry |
Yes |
Society of Schools for Welsh Language Education (CYDAG) |
Asked for nomination |
Sport Wales |
Paul Batcup, Director, asked for nomination |
Eating Disorder Expert |
Jacinta Tan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Adult Eating Disorder Team, Bro Morgannwg UHB |
Yes |
Sally Jenkins |
Yes (but only available from 15:00 onwards |
NHS Confederation |
Vanessa Young,
Yes |
Diverse Cymru |
Zahrah Bashir-Hicks, BME Mental Health Youth Worker
Yes |
Police Liasion Unit (PLU) |
Lynda Young from the PLU has been asked (via DS/CSfH&SS) for nomination |
End Youth Homelessness |
Hugh Russell, |
Input outside of meetings
Outside of meetings, engagement will be undertaken and input provided electronically by the Group. A wider pool of stakeholders may be consulted electronically and have their views fed back to the Group for consideration when appropriate.
Youth stakeholder reference group
The Group exists alongside the Youth Stakeholder Reference Group, which will meet on the same timetable and consider a similar agenda. The note from Youth Stakeholder Reference Group meetings will be made available to members of this Group on request.
Members of the Group are encouraged to utilise the organisation or sector they represent and seek their feedback on matters of policy and practice to inform and support the whole school approach.
However, you will be expected to treat information obtained through the Stakeholder Reference Group in confidence and share only on a restricted basis.
The Secretariat will inform members of the Group of any confidential information that can not be shared outside of the Group.