This consultation ended 30 April 2013.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 384 KB
Original consultation
This consultation seeks your views on a set of options in relation to the length of time between inspections of schools and providers.
Consultation description
It also sets out options to change the notice periods that schools and providers receive before inspections take place. The final element of the consultation relates to the period of time that schools and providers have following inspection to prepare their post inspection action plan.
Further to the joint consultation on proposed changes to Estyn’s inspection cycle and timings for post inspection action plans we have amended regulations to make the following changes:
- removed the link between past and forthcoming inspections with a requirement that schools and education settings are inspected at least once within every 6 year period. This change will limit the ability of schools and education settings being able to predict when their next inspection will take place
- remove the requirement that schools have to provide a three week notice period regarding their pre-inspection parents meeting. Removal of this requirement provides Estyn with the flexibility to reduce the amount of notice it gives to schools about forthcoming inspections if it so wishes and
- reduce the time period for production of post inspection action plans to 20 working days to ensure that action planning takes place with pace and urgency.
The Education (Amendments Relating to the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations have been made will come into force on 1st September 2014 and have been published on the legislation website (external link).
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 854 KB